register your school for the 2024 station square spelling bee
The Station Square Spelling Bee is fun & educational, and a great way for students to improve their spelling skills.
Words provided, are a mix of year level standard words as well as challenging words. The spelling words used are designed to test students on their understanding of English spelling, by using their age appropriate phonetic, rule-based, visual, and morphemic knowledge.
All Fraser Coast schools and students ae invited to register to participate in the 2024 Station Square Spelling Bee supported by Hit101.9FM
Winning Students will each take home up to $400 in Station Square Shopping Centre Gift Certificates and the Winning schools will receive $500 worth of gift vouchers.
Spelling Bee 2024 Results
Winner Bayside Christian College
Runner-Up St James Lutheran College
Winner Fraser Coast Anglican College
Runner-Up Grannville State School
Winner Fraser Coast Anglican College
Runner-Up Bayside Christian College
Winner St Mary’s College
Runner-Up St James Lutheran College